遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA




由校长Rich Schellhas主持


我不知道这种超人的力量, 这是学院的声音, 这个值得信赖的朋友, 珍惜同事, 有天赋的老师, 和充满智慧的“GA的灵魂”,在她44年的任期内, 但十一年我 shared with her 有 made me a far better educator and person.

Our first real bonding occurred during a summertime professional development seminar. 轻松带着微笑, 很高兴分享我们学校的故事, 真诚热情地欢迎我来到GA, the one and only Margaret Mary McVeigh 1760 made quite the first impression. 还有她那时髦的红头发, 活跃的幽默, 还有谦逊而敏锐的才智, 毫无疑问,我正站在一位爱国者传奇人物面前.

She has seen the Academy from every angle: 较低的学校 teacher, 中学副校长, 英语老师兼部门协调员, 高中学习小组的导师, 学院关系主任, 教务助理院长, 学院专业发展主任, 现在甚至是高中英语选修课老师.

That final role tells you everything you need to know about Marvelously Magical 玛吉麦克维. On a bright spring day last year during one of our regular meetings, I lulled her into complacency before employing ye’ old Head of School bait-and-switch to implore her to consider taking on just one little additional English elective, 漂亮的请. 让它更不引人注目, I threw in the tried and true ‘buy one get one free’ and offered her the chance 不仅 to create a brand new English elective in a discipline she hadn’t taught in years and to a constituency to which she had 从来没有 taught it, but also the chance to teach the exact same elective in 这两个 学期, even though the second semester is actually remarkably shorter than the first and thus necessitates an entire recrafting of the first course she actually didn’t want to create in the first place.

Being ‘compassionate in spirit’ I even gave Maggie the chance to sleep on it, to relish the stomach-churning prospect of 不仅 creating something from nothing, but also dedicating 30 Sundays over the next school year to grading revisions of revisions, 给各个时代的演讲留言, and to contemplating how to be all Harkness-y when in the previous 43 years of teaching the only Harkness she has used was to eat lunch on during meetings.

麦琪就是麦琪, 她不仅答应了我的“买一送一”的提议, but in the end was so convincing in her enthusiasm about this new endeavor that you 几乎 一开始就会想到是她的主意吗. 那些学生能和她一起工作是多么幸运啊 今年.

今年. 最后, on a perfectly sunny graduation day on Connor Quad beneath the three surviving oaks, 我们会得到祝福, 退休前最后一次, 听麦琪说话. 在那里. 我说过. 退休. 当然,我几乎完全否认和压抑, 但事实就是事实, and denial and repression play no role in a retirement tribute.

  • For being the generous ear people seek out for wise counsel and friendly care.
  • 感谢分享她的声音, 非常聪明, 有趣的, and insightful voice with us on more occasions than we can count – and how much I wish we had recorded them all to just play back and savor again and again.
  • “像头发着火一样教学”, for always making the students know they matter in the deepest way, and that their challenges are just temporary states which they can and will overcome.
  • 对魔鬼的鼓吹是无可比拟的, 用麦克维的方式来表达, whether it comes to vital strategic decisions facing the school or the battle between ‘alumni’ and ‘alumnae’ and those pesky male-centered Latin collective plurals.
  • 作为我们校园的联络人, 以及弥合分歧的桥梁, 感谢你是我们最美丽的胶水.
  • 以超越的热情欢迎我们的新老师, to guide them through the transition to America’s oldest non-sectarian day school with love.
  • 感谢你无所不在, 感谢你接受了超级粉丝的角色, 尤其是在篮球比赛中, 感谢你永远在我身边, 完美的啦啦队长, 还有一个善良的肩膀, 赢或输.
  • 她谦卑的勇气. For oxymoronically employing her one-of-a-kind self-effacing humor to let us all know that we are in it together, that regardless of title or role we are all perfectly imperfect, 只是尽力做到最好, 以我们的手艺和我们的学生为准则.
  • For balancing her roles as GA parent and as a sibling to a GA colleague more gracefully than the non-sectarian gods could 有 ever imagined. For always proudly being Peter the Legend’s sister without ever just being his sister. 让他闪耀, 作为他遗产的一部分, 但同时, 没有麻烦, 借口, 或者需要被认可, 建立自己的.
  • 感谢你是一位亲爱的、了不起的、无论发生什么事都不会改变的朋友. For her guidance, her laugh, her support, her kindness, her amazingness.
让人们从椽子上喊出来, 比钟楼的钟声还要响, we, 永远感激麦琪·麦克维吗. 我们将和她一起享受接下来的几个月, but we will 从来没有 be quite the same without her (although we will know where to find her around the corner in Fort Washington!). 这是传奇的标志.